
offcolor #ffd3be

Barbara, 38, Actress with a master’s degree
in Modern German Literature

Music, nature and sports have always been central aspects in her life. Currently, she is developing the ALMA project with other artists, a mixture of poetry, dance, painting and music that goes „on an atmospheric search for a place within us.“ You could also say „a utopia of the soul.“


Recorded: Okt 16 2021 / 18:01:03

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Barbara on stage in ALMA – A Utopia of the Soul
#offcolor, #ffd3be

What does it mean to do something from the depth of our soul? In ALMA, Barbara encourages us to think about such questions.
#offcolor, #ffd3be

Movement, body, voice and music, that’s what Barbara grew up with.
#offcolor, #ffd3be


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Christoph Künne

Christoph Künne, von Haus aus Kulturwissenschaftler, forscht seit 1991 unabhängig zur Theorie und Praxis der Post-Photography. Er gründete 2002 das Kreativ-Magazin DOCMA zusammen mit Doc Baumann und hat neben unzähligen Artikeln in europäischen Fachmagazinen rund um die Themen Bildbearbeitung, Fotografie und Generative KI über 20 Bücher veröffentlicht.

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