
offcolor #f9d4c7

Janina, 33, studied psychology, works as a fine artist and poetry slammer


Recorded: May 7 2021 / 19:32:34 /
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Minted on Opensea


#f9d4c7 #offcolor Janina has lived in this former vacation home for several years. It is well hidden in a small settlement in the middle of the forest.

Janina has lived in this former vacation home for several years. It is well hidden in a small settlement in the middle of the forest.

#f9d4c7 #offcolor A discarded caravan serves as her studio, housing their workshop with two workstations.

A discarded caravan serves as her studio, housing their workshop with two workstations.

#f9d4c7 #offcolor Janina's artworks are mostly relatively small and sculptural. Here is a view of one of the two work tables.

Janina’s artworks are mostly relatively small and sculptural. Here is a view of one of the two work tables.

#f9d4c7 #offcolor Of these heads, whose expression quotes the painting „The Scream" by Edward Munch, here are variants in many sizes.

Of these heads, whose expression quotes the painting „The Scream“ by Edward Munch, here are variants in many sizes.

#f9d4c7 #offcolor The artist at work in her studio trailer.

The artist at work in her studio trailer.

#f9d4c7 #offcolor The garden of the old house literally invites you to drink coffee in the open air.

The garden of the old house literally invites you to drink coffee in the open air.

#f9d4c7 #offcolor Even if it's not healthy: the self-confessed smoker enjoys lighting up a home-rolled cigarette in her garden.

Even if it’s not healthy: the self-confessed smoker enjoys lighting up a home-rolled cigarette in her garden.


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Christoph Künne

Christoph Künne, von Haus aus Kulturwissenschaftler, forscht seit 1991 unabhängig zur Theorie und Praxis der Post-Photography. Er gründete 2002 das Kreativ-Magazin DOCMA zusammen mit Doc Baumann und hat neben unzähligen Artikeln in europäischen Fachmagazinen rund um die Themen Bildbearbeitung, Fotografie und Generative KI über 20 Bücher veröffentlicht.

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